Friday, June 27, 2008


Thanks for all who voted for me for the decor8 Amy Butler mood board contest!

I'm the happy recipient of an $75 Amy Butler bag!

Survey comments from readers include:
• "Could be a page out of Domino!"
• "I feel this board has simple yet lovely emotive qualities. The textures are quite inviting. Side illustrations are nice touches."
• "Kitchenis a room not usually done. Love the handmade apron and the cupcakes!"
• "This is fabulous! My favorite, hands down."

Awh thanks guys!

See the winner and five runners up.


petrified in pink (Petra) said...

You were definitely one of my favourites! Congratulations on being 1st runner up!

Jeanee said...

Thank you! I saw that you had entered the contest also (love your logo!)

How on earth did you find me on this blog? Well I made you my Flickr contact (I'm SweetNee on Flickr). And I've bookmarked your blog. I can't read Swedish, but I LOVE your images!

Anonymous said...

YAY for Jeanee!!!!!! Oh It makes me so happy to see that you were first runner up... and I had no idea that it was you that did one of my favorite boards! Mine was the modern moroccan beach cottage! Congrats lady and have a fabulous & creative weekend!!!

Jeanee said...

Ohmigosh Ericka, thanks!

Hey, I remember when you first were getting up and running. It looks great!

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much! Hey...did you see, your board is featured on Hostess With the Mostess blog too!!!!:

Josh said...

seriously, very nice. congrats.

Unknown said...

Gorgeous mood board!