Thursday, January 24, 2008

John Brown University, Part II.5

Hey friends: I'm totally lovin' it here in Siloam. Today was a jam-packed day, but again, excellent. Very tired, so no blogging tonight -- just wanted to say THANKS for being inspiring, passion-led, talented people! I will be sad to say goodbye tomorrow. Watch for the wrap-up of my JBU visit this weekend. Then I'm off to Savannah!

Oh, and keep me bookmarked: Just because I'm leaving JBU doesn't mean that I'll leave you hangin'! I'll write about my travels a bit, but will definitely keep the creative inspiration and conversation coming your way!


Anonymous said...

oh great, savannah... not intimidating at all.

Anonymous said...

yeah, it's a big campus... 9,000 people studying art and design... definitely a place full of talent and creativity, and yes, a little intimidating. but, i'm up for the challenge -- things are going well so far!