Thursday, May 8, 2008


I’m Jeanee, guest blogger. I’ll be blogging about what’s going on around Kansas City, cool stuff I may run across and whatever else seems to be cre•a•tive.

No, I’m not from the South. But I say y’all quite a bit. I received my BA in journalism from Michigan State in 1997. I worked for a while as a web designer. Then I went back to school in 2003 to Portfolio Center in Atlanta, GA. Hallmark found me after I graduated and I started in greetings design fall of 2005.

I’ve had the awesome opportunity to be in a lot of departments and special projects at Hallmark. Now I’ve just added CRE•A•TIV•I•TY to my list! I have three personal blogs and now two Hallmark blogs. What can I say… I love to share.

1 comment:

Mary Beth said...

erin, good job on mixing it up...your blog looks so good!