Monday, March 9, 2009

200 Mile Radius

Every year Hallmark sets up a week long event that allows us to stay relevant with emerging and evolving trends. This year is especially germane to our blogging experience, because the theme of 2009 is 200 Mile Radius, showing us the importance of the amazing resources in our own backyard. "Trends Week" kicks off with an introduction by our very own Marita Wesely. Her fast-paced slideshow hit on the topics that will be unraveling in the rest of the presentations throughout the week. To summarize, Marita shows us that most of the trends this year will be based on our falling economy and how we can make the most of it. Or how we can focus our energy on something else, like getting out and doing something for your fellow man, or the environment (she mentioned Kansas is the fifth most volunteering state in the US). The future is about taking charge of your own life and being somebody. Intense.

Jeanee and I will keep will keep you in the loop about these presenters throughout the week:
Cheri Sterman, Director of Child Development & Consumer Relationships — Crayola
Simran Sethi, journalist
Chris Kious, founder and partner — A Piece of Cleveland

and then Friday is:
Hilary Brown, Local Burger, Lawrence, KS
Brooke Salvaggio (Farmer Brooke), Bad Seed, Kansas City, MO
Diana Endicott, Coordinator of Good-Natured Family Farms, a group of "natural" meat and vegetable producers
(this presentation includes food, so i'm pretty excited!)

Stay tuned!


Anonymous said...

josh and jeanee-thanks for covering these presentations! i'm hoping to make it to a few, but if not, i'll keep up on the blog... :O)

oh, and isn't it AMAZING how many talented people are in our very own backyards?? i love us! i love KC!

Hello There ! said...

I can't wait for Friday's Local presentation