Friday, August 28, 2009

New on "Hallmarkers Who Blog" List

We just added another fabulous person to the "Hallmarkers Who Blog" list: Teresa L.!

Teresa, from the East Coast, is a senior greetings editor and has been with Hallmark for four years.

Her blog is Wait. Procrastinator is misspelled! Teresa says, “that's right. I'm a writer who can't spell, and it's been immortalized in my URL.”

Teresa started her blog in the summer of 2005. The blog is about mostly stuff and also things. “Truthfully, it's just my musings on any given topic. Lately, I've tried to start labeling posts to see if I seem to address certain topics more than others,” Teresa says.

Teresa says she started a blog because all of her friends were doing it. “Seriously, my awareness of blogging (technically as in "web + log" or online journal) coincided with my relocating to a new city for a job opportunity, so I thought it would be a great way to keep my family and friends informed about the goings-on in my life. As irony would have it, my family doesn't read my blog, to my knowledge - they're phone/text people, by and large.”

There is no blog schedule for Teresa. She blogs when she wants and hopes that if a person stumbles across her blog they will enjoy it. “I want people to get from my blog what I get from the blogs I read: the occasional inspiration, something to laugh at, a break from the task at hand, a slice of a life that isn't their own.”


Anonymous said...

love your blog teresa--i'm a "follower" of you!

Angela said...

You are more then welcome to use my review or comments or whatever you need. I'm so glad you stopped by and glad you LOVE the review! Thanks so much!


Anonymous said...

thanks angela! see above post-and thanks again for your kind words about "the edge of motherhood" line! :O) -e-